
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Progress on the DAD T-Shirt Quilt, SAHRR Blocks and A Cobbler

It was another cold weekend in the mountains last weekend but it didn’t keep us from the quilt shop. My husband selected a solid red fabric for the inner border of his t-shirt quilt. As it turns out, I have quite a bit of that in my stash so we only purchased more black fabric for the outer border. The same one I used in the sashing.

I made and attached the red inner border. Then I made and attached a 5 ½” border to the sides. As I was “ciphering” the measurements I need for the top and bottom, I realized I should have cut 6 ½” strips for the outer borders.

Out comes Jack the Ripper…

Back to the quilt shop on Monday afternoon to get a bit more fabric. I was able to cut the correct size strips and attach side borders.

The top and bottom borders have some extra elements that I didn’t have time for this week but I’m hoping to have the top finished before next week’s quilty update.

I also made a decision about my SAHRR quilt. For now, I am making more partial log cabin blocks. I started with four but will actually need twelve so I am continuing to work on those.

Now that the floors are finally finished upstairs, we are enjoying our time in the kitchen. Hubby wanted a berry cobbler but couldn’t decide between blueberry or blackberry.


Walmart had both “organic” on sale so…

He got both.  I found the recipe here if you are interested.  It was super easy and soooo delicious.

Friday is Floss Friday and I have a tiny update on this week’s cross stitch project.


This Friday is also Pi day so I’ll have to find a way to create something in the kitchen to celebrate. Sweet? Savory? We shall see.


Enjoy your day, my friends!

I'm linking up for the first time with Jennifer at The Inquiring Quilter for her Wednesday Wait Loss. Her linky is filled with inspiration.


Lin said...

Your quilt top is looking great and the cobbler looks delicious! xx

Linda said...

Your husband's quilt looks amazing! My husband's t-shirts are all so stained I'm not sure we'd find enough to do a quilt, lol! The cobbler looks so, so good, and the recipe sounds simple and delicious. I've never used eggs in a cobbler, does it make it a bit cake-like?

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Loving your tshirt quilt and oh so curious about the additional elements you are adding to the top and bottom borders. Guess I'll just have to wait and see! I love seeing how SAHRR quilts develop and yours is no exception. Those log cabin blocks sure are pretty. Gosh that cobbler looks delicious. Have to go check out that recipe. Welcome to Wednesday Wait Loss! Oh so glad you've joined us.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The t-shirt quilt is coming right along! Now you've got me curious about the top and bottom borders. The cobbler looks and sounds yummy!