
Monday, July 29, 2024

Things Did Not Go As Planned

***Warning*** Gross injury description below.

Good day, my friends.

I sure hope you had a great weekend.  Mine didn’t quite go as planned.

Hubby and I did get our Friday night pizza.  And I made the peach crisp. Then this happened…

As soon as I took the crisp out of the oven, a flying ant got into the house.  He landed above a window. I removed the cushion from the chair below the window so I wouldn’t slip. I killed the ant. As I was stepping down, my hand slipped off the arm of the chair and I fell. I was shocked to see my ring finger on my left hand was at a 45-degree angle, sideways.  I quickly snapped it back into place and called for my husband to remove the bug remains from the wall.

Since the last place I wanted to be on a Friday night (or any night, really) is an emergency room, I waited until Saturday to go to urgent care.  The X-rays showed a possible chip close to the knuckle. And one of the physical tests indicated I may have torn some soft tissue. They put the finger in a splint, buddy-taped it to another finger and referred me to an orthopedic specialist, which I will see this morning.

I’m not in any pain, unless it is touched.

Saturday was rainy and pretty much a bust. But I did receive a bit of happy mail.

Do you remember Sinta? She used to blog at Pink Pincushion.

I think her last post there was in 2019. Well, we can find her these days under the same name on Instagram.  She is still making the most beautiful quilts and recently made one from Fig Tree’s Strawberry Garden book. The book is published by It’s Sew Emma, which is owned by the Fat Quarter Shop. Since Sinta was a model quilter for the book, she was allowed to give away a copy of the book on her IG.

I was the lucky winner! This book is chock full of beautiful quilts using Fig Tree fabrics, which I love.  I enjoyed looking through the book while resting, icing and doing all the things I was told to do.

By Sunday, I was getting pretty bored. Since there was no way I was going to take my chances with a rotary cutter, I decided to stitch.

Liberty House got quite a few stitches added to it.

I’m hoping for good results from the doctor’s this morning. And I’m leaving the bugs to my hubby from now own.

Enjoy your day and week ahead.


Gene Black said...

Oh my, I am hoping that you get good results at the doctor also.
Congratulations on winning the book.

Julierose said...

Gosh, what a scare, Jeanna!! Hope all goes well at the ortho's office today. glad it wasn't your right hand.
What a lovely win you've had. Take care and rest up...hugs, Julierose
[P.S. no more chair climbing!!!!]

Vicki in MN said...

OMG girl, I am so sorry this happened. I hope you get a good report from the DR. and it heals up quickly. Keep us posted.

Jeanette said...

Oh my. I winced as soon as i saw your photo & read what happened. I hope all goes well with the doctors report. The cross stitch looks lovely. Nice book to have won.

www.self-sufficientsam.blogspot.com said...

Oh, I am so sorry that happened to you!!! I hope all goes well at the specialist. I get wasps in the house sometimes but I'm terrible...I take the outside wasp spray and use it in the house. No standing on chairs for me. Yes, it is messy and it drips down the wall but it does the job. There's just a little cleanup on aisle 7! LOL!
I love that quilt book. I may have to go take a look at that and her IG account. Congrats! At least if you can't quilt you can dream about them OR even better go get the fabric for it! Yeah!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh my, Jeanna! That is awful. I am so glad that you are not in too much discomfort and I wish you receive good news from the doctor. Congratulations on winning the quilt book and your stitch looks amazing. Take care.

Linda said...

I read your adventure to my husband - we are both amazed at your calm and your ability to snap that finger back into place! I have a high tolerance for pain, so I greatly admire kind of thing in others - lol! I'm impressed you were able to stitch and not involve your finger. Was the peach crisp eaten that night? Yay on the book win!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh no, and ouch! That kind of thing is never fun. The only good thing could be that it's your left hand! I hope the healing goes quickly. Congratulations on winning the book, too. That's some fun happy mail!

Faith said...
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Faith said...

I hope for you healing, and getting back to the things you like to do. You do very lovely work. I really like the screen door header, love to have one just like it. ~Faith~ FarmhouseWorthyEst2024

Lin said...

Ouch! That does sound very unpleasant. Hope your specialist visit went well. What a great book to win. Happy stitching while you recuperate. xx

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Oh no, Jeanna! I hope you're okay! Strawberry Garden looks like a great book to win. Congrats! I can't believe you still stitched with a broken finger! Let us know what the doctor says.

THT Herbalist Steph said...

My goodness! What a horrible thing to have happened to your hand. I can relate to that instant reaction to right things by putting your finger back to its rightful place. I did the same with a toe once. I hope you recover quickly and are able to get back to enjoying life.

Susan said...

Oh dear - I do hope you are healing ..probably slowly though.

dq said...

Sorry you got hurt. Is it slowing you down?
I will check out Sinta. I am not on Instagram much as I so much prefer blogging.