
Friday, July 26, 2024

Quilt Blocks and a Cross Stitch FO

Happy Friday!

We made it to the end of another week, and I am so excited. I have just a little bit of cleaning left to do.  Then I can do whatever I (or my sweetie) want to do.  We are hoping to get a hike in at the Biltmore if the weather is nice. And we always look forward to our Friday evening tradition of pizza and a craft beer at our favorite place in town.  It gets busy there, so we go early. That allows me the rest of the evening to stitch or sew or bake. We have fresh peaches that are just about ready, so I’ll be baking a crisp this evening.


The week has been productive both at work and in the sewing room.


I finished two more blocks for Lori Holt’s Scrappiness Is Happiness quilt.


This is the Patchwork Star block. It measures 16 ½”.

This is the Patchwork Tulip block. It measures 9 ½” x 12 ½”.

There are only six more blocks to go.

I’m still stitching bee charts.  This one is Honey Berry by Erica Michaels. 

It was another quick finish.

I used fabric from my stash and changed the floss colors to match the Primrose Cottage charts. I’ll give you all the details on fabric, colors, etc. when I fully finish it into a berry, which I hope will be this weekend.

Crafting plans for this weekend are to sew two more SIH blocks and fully finish some cross stitch projects.

What are you up to this weekend?


Gene Black said...

My weekend plans are "whatever" - I will probably spend more quality time on my iPad learning more about creating digital art.
Once you get those six more blocks, how long until it will become a quilt?

Vicki in MN said...

Looking forward to see what finishes you have over the weekend. We have the 13yr old grandson for sleepover this weekend. We might go boating while he is here.

Julierose said...

I love your tulip and star blocks--nice work on these;))) and only 6 more to go--that's great.
I am on my way to pick up DH from his surgery today and will be wearing my Nurse's cap over the weekend. Will be so glad to get him home...;))
Hugs, Julierose

Linda said...

Those blocks are so cute! Nice and big too.
Your date night sounds like fun, as well as the hike. We were talking to someone in the grocery store yesterday who chose to live in Texas over North Carolina, and my husband said "Gosh I'd move to North Carolina in a heartbeat". Well hey, I'm ready too!
Do you have a peach tree? I bought some peaches that are like rocks yesterday, I'm hoping they will soften up as they sit next to my "past prime" banana - lol!
I'm excited about participating in the FNSI group and am already working on my post for next month. I have shamelessly copied you and bought the pumpkin stocking pattern as well as the same linen you have and can't wait for it to arrive.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Friday plans sound so enjoyable! I love your Lori Holt blocks and the pretty stitching for the berry, too. I haven't tried making a berry shape yet, but would like to. You'll have to let us know if you have some tips for sewing up that shape! We don't have any big plans for the weekend, but I did meet up with a friend for a long walk this morning and that was fun!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your quilt blocks look so lovely in blues, Jeanna and what a beautiful bee stitch. You have been staying so busy.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Love your Lori Holt blocks! I love your bee cross stitching too. You're so fast. We went out to eat Saturday night. The weekends go by so fast!

dq said...

Lovely Lori Holt blocks. I am doing the witch quilt. I wish I had time to do all of her quilts.