
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Our Vacation in the Outer Banks, NC

Good day, my friends.


We enjoyed our time in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I didn’t get a chance to read any blogs. I tried to do it yesterday (Wednesday, 5/21) but Blogger said I was leaving too many comments…try again tomorrow. So, that is what I shall do.


We made a couple of stops on our way to the beach. This rest area is just before we reached the seashore.

I’m always intrigued by some of the things we find inside these places, like this compass in the floor.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that my hubby had reserved a campsite only steps from the beach.

I planted my ‘anchor’ in the sand every chance I could get.

I also did a some stitching.

This little chart is called Grandma Winnie’s Basket by Primrose Cottage Stitches. It is one of many patterns from this year’s Nashville Needlework Market Cookbook.

I also made some progress on another chart, but I’ll show you that in a future post.


We didn’t just sit on our bums the whole time. We took walks on the beach and one day we visited Bodie Island Lighthouse.

This is the third lighthouse for Bodie Island.  The first was built on unstable ground and began to lean only a few years after being constructed. The second was blown up by Confederate troops to keep the Union forces from using it.


The third was built in 1872. Even though it has undergone repairs and maintenance, everything is still original. Only 12 of the 217 stairs have been replaced.

We climbed those stairs, 10 stories, to the top.

We got to see the original lens.  The ranger said they only have to change the bulbs every 7 years or so.

The views were amazing.

I’m going to read more blogs today and try to leave comments, with Blogger’s permission, of course.


Enjoy your day!




Gene Black said...

It is nice to be so close to the beach. I need some beach time this year.

Vicki in MN said...

Your trip sounds truly amazing and very relaxing, well except for all those stairs, LOL. I haven't been to a beach in a very long time!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a wonderful trip, Jeanna! Looks so beautiful there. I've never been to the Outer Banks, but it's definitely on my list, especially if we could camp out right on the beach! The lighthouse looks interesting, too. Thanks for sharing!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful trip,Jeanna. Gorgeous photos; it makes me want to visit the area myself in the future. It is so wonderful that you were able to enjoy some stitching time while out on the beach. I hope you are rested and all of the "back home chores" are complete.Enjoy your day. Hugs.

Linda said...

Beautiful photos Jeanna! I like that partial photo of you. Looks like Bodie Island is a place I'd love to visit, especially with the Civil War history. Getting a campsite next to the water, how fun! Feel free to post more photos! :D
What business is it of Blogger how many comments we leave? Sheesh.

Jeanette said...

Oh that sounds like a wonderful place to visit. Wonderful to have a campsite right beside the beach. Love the cross stitch.

Susan said...

I no longer live close to beaches...I so miss the salty air and the sound of the waves...

That is a lot of stairs to climb!

Blogger can be so rude at times!! Enjoy your vacation.

Astrid said...

That sounds like a wonderful and relaxing trip. I find light houses and their history fascinating. Cute cross stitched flower basket. Enjoy your day.

Candace said...

Hi Jeanna, Candace here from Squash House Quilts. I heard your name today on Tara Sullivan's Flosstube, and thought - could it be?? And yes, I see here you are cross stitching as well! I gave up blogging years ago when we retired, started Instagram, then discovered cross stitch. I fell deep, deep down the rabbit hole! I still quilt, but I can see cross stitch taking over if I'm not careful! We moved from our original retirement city, to a condo in Central Washington last November. At our age it was too hard keeping up a large house and yard. I do miss it, but I have much more time for crafting and there is a lot more to do here. I hope all is well with you and your family. You can find me on Instagram @mrssquash, but honestly, I spend a lot more time doing the things I love rather than on social media, so my posting is sporadic.

www.self-sufficientsam.blogspot.com said...

Did you see any of those Black Bears? I watch too many of those YouTube videos about bear attacks! LOL! I am also scared of heights and I would never make it up all those stairs at my age but I thank you for sharing it with me as I love historic sights and history. Great camping spot for sure! Glad you had a good time!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

So neat that you climbed your way to the top in the lighthouse! The needlework cookbook looks so fun. I assume it's recipes and cross stitch patterns. Love that!!