
Monday, October 2, 2023

Change of Plans, SAF and Autumn Jubilee

Happy Monday, Friends.

I’m writing this a bit late on Monday morning and here is why.

We were supposed to be in south Florida this morning for my husband’s knee replacement. His primary care doctor decided (fairly late in the game) that she wants to do additional testing before clearing him for the procedure. He has postponed the surgery until early January.

We took my Mom back to her home in Florida on Saturday because she has appointments there this week. We then returned to North Carolina yesterday. Can you say whirlwind?!?!

Two 12-hour days of travel allowed me to produce a SAF. What is a SAF? It is a Start And Finish.

This chart was one from the stack I shared here. I was able to stitch this in the car while hubby was driving because it is on 14-count aida.

Autumn on the Square by ScissorTail Designs. I used the called-for DMC floss and think the colors are just perfect!

Well, now that we are going to be home for a few weeks, I decided to join Carole at My Carolina Home for her annual Autumn Jubilee. I won’t participate in ALL of the projects but I’ve decided to try some. I’ve added the button to my sidebar if you are interested in learning more about Carole’s event. There are wonderful prizes offered by some amazing sponsors so I encourage you to check it out.

Today’s project is wool applique’. I do not have the colors needed for Carole’s penny but I do have another Fall kit I can use.  So, check back for that progress.

Hope you had a nice weekend and your week ahead is even better 😊


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's too bad that your husband's surgery is postponed that long now, but hope you both are okay with it. Sometimes we get ourselves all ready for those kinds of things, and it's a letdown to not be able to go ahead with it! You stitched a sweet little design whils you were traveling. I like to participate in Autumn Jubilee, too! I've just been looking to see what I have for wool around here.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Whirlwind, for sure! I hope the additional testing clears your husband for the procedure and that all goes according to plan in January. Hooray for a SAF - I agree - the colors are perfect! I'm looking forward to seeing your wool applique - ;))

Lin said...

What a shame the op has been postponed, such a let down when you are all psyched up for it. Pretty cross stitch and lovely colours. xx

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Do hope they get it all sorted next time for the knee replacement. What a lot of driving you did! I've not heard of a SAF before...neat. Lovely stitching here and cute projects. Thanks for mentioning Carole's latest SAL; I will check it out. Happy Stitching from me!

Linda said...

Is your Hubs disappointed? What a pretty finish! I'm impressed you stitched so much while riding in a car. My head is all over the place looking at things - lol!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Goodness, that is a long postponement, I am so sorry to hear that for your dear hubby, Jeanna. I hope he is not in too much discomfort and I do wish him the best these next few months. Your SAF is adorable!! And yes the colors are perfect. I have this in my stash; I do need to start it. Have a lovely weekend. I can not wait to see your wool applique.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

So sorry your husband's surgery was postponed. I'm sure that's disappointing for all of you. I love your cross stitch project! It's so nice to finish a project so fast!!