
Friday, June 14, 2024

StitchCon 2024 Weekend A Recap

Happy Friday, Friends!

As promised in yesterday’s post, I’m sharing a quick recap of my trip to Cincinnati last weekend.  Warning: This post is photo heavy.


StitchCon is a cross stitch retreat that brings Flosstubers and Fans together. It is hosted by Keepsakes, a store in Sharonville, OH and is held at the Sharonville Convention Center. There are two weekends for the retreat but you can only attend one of them. There are 300 stitchers in attendance at each weekend. You would think it would be crowded but the venue is large and easily accommodates everyone. 

Registration begins at 10:00 am on Thursday morning but people begin lining up at 7:00. My group was in line by 7:30 am so were  fairly close to the front. I didn’t get a photo of the whole line because it extended out of the convention center and into the lobby of the adjoining hotel.

After checking in and getting our table, my friends and I went to the store to do a little shopping before everyone else could get there. 

The store is in an old house. I didn't take any photos of the inside this year but I can tell you that it is covered floor to ceiling with stitched models. The place is amazing.

They always have some fun things to see on the front porch.

There are freebie items (charts, fabric, etc.)
in the boxes just outside the door.

We had to take the obligatory photos next to the sign.

My friends Andrea (L) and Becky (R)

Flosstuber Carolyn of CZook Stitch joined us

Back at the convention center... Keepsakes always has a theme for StitchCon. This year it was Gardening and they had a cute shed scene setup for photographs.

We certainly didn't pass up the opportunity...

We took a photo with our table mates as well...

We have friends from Florida that are always fun to hang out with. Our tables were next to each other.

I met several flosstubers that I watch but didn't get photos with everyone.

Liz from Elizabeth Ann Can Stitch

Tara from Sully Stitches

We had "happy hour" each evening with
Chrissy of Finally A Farm Girl and
Annie The Proper Stitcher

Unfortunately, I didn't get photos of the brag table nor the Annex store. I'll try to do better next time.

You can see the gifts I gave everyone in yesterday's post. Here are some of the gifts I received, dumped on the table...

Andrea, Becky and I planned to start a project together while at the retreat.  We did that last year and it was a lot of fun. I never showed you the framed finish of last year's cross stitch, so here it is.

Sunshine and Blooms by Teresa Kogut

This year we chose a chart by Bent Creek. It is Liberty The House from their Let Freedom Ring series. I had the tiniest of starts... can you see it? LOL

Remember Liberty House that I outlined the house to fill in while at StitchCon? 

Well, I got almost half of the house stitched when the FROG made an appearance to let me know I was off a row and my windows were not going to line up. I only managed to finish the roof and three rows of the front.

Not a lot of stitching actually happened due to socializing and trips to antique stores, but we had a great time.

I do not have any trips planned until mid-September so I hope to do some organizing of the craft space and get back to sewing. Not this weekend though, as I will be doing my best to celebrate Father's Day with my husband.

I hope you enjoy your weekend and Happy Father's Day to all the Dads!


Gene Black said...

It certainly looks like you all had a wonderful time. Going to stores like that is always fun..

Linda said...

Love that old house! Everything looks like so much fun, so glad you got to do this. Thanks so much for sharing! Love your framed Sunshine and Blooms, and the Liberty House is going to be so pretty.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time, Jeanna. Stitch Con has certainly grown. I bet you came home filled with inspiration. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Looks like a lot of fun, and a neat venue, too! I can't imagine anything more fun than meeting up with friends to visit and stitch. So glad you had fun! I never watch any Floss Tubers - I'm going to have to try that!

Barwitzki said...

That was a nice tour.
Thank you for the many photos. I love it.
Viola wishes you a happy weekend

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I watched Elizabeth's video recap last night. Looks like a great event; thanks for sharing.

www.self-sufficientsam.blogspot.com said...

Great photos and it looks like you all had a great time. Love your stitching projects as always!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I always love seeing the projects you're working on. It looks like you had so much fun. I love going to antique shops. It's so fun to poke around.

dq said...

I had not heard of stitchcon. How fun!