I hope all the Mom’s in blogland had a nice
Mother’s Day last Sunday. My daughter
was home…we social distanced as best as we could. I felt since we’ve all been isolated in our
respective homes that it was worth the risk.
It was rainy most of the day but we still had a nice time.
Today’s post is all about cross stitch and
I hope you enjoy it…
A Previous Finish
Pattern Name: Quilter’s Cottage
Designer: Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet Co
for It’s Sew Emma Stitchery
Fabric: 10 Count Aida, Vintage Burlap
Stitch count: 99 x 140
Finished Size: 10” x 14”
Floss: 6 strands of called for Aurifloss
(yes 6!) over 1 square
Start date: 2/14/19 End date: 4/4/19
Current status is “FFO” (Fully Finished
This was my third cross stitch start. It
was a SAL hosted by the Fat Quarter Shop.
I purchased the recommended frame from Amazon. The glass was broken when the package arrived
and I was given a total refund and told to keep or discard the remaining
parts. Honestly, I wasn’t planning to
use the glass anyway so it ended up being free.
I put a thin piece of batting behind the
stitching and mounted it all on sticky board and popped it in the frame. It now hangs in my craft room.
FO (Finished Object - stitched
but not fully finished
Pattern Name: Wee One: Quilting Bird
Designer: Heart in Hand
Fabric: 18 Count Aida, hand dyed by
Fortnight Fabrics
Stitch count: 42 x 79
Finished Size: 2.3” x 4.4”
Floss: Called for Classic Colorworks and DMC
(2 x 1)
Start date: 4/4/20 End date: 4/7/20
This was my 26th cross stitch
start. I want to fully finish this piece
into a small pillow. Lori Holt has a new YouTube channel and her first video is a tutorial on how to make
small pillows with your cross stitch. I
just need to gather a few supplies and then I’ll be ready.
Feels Like Home
Last week’s status
This week’s progress
Finished part one. I’ll begin part 2 this evening, after all,
part 3 releases tomorrow 😊
New Starts
Memorial Day by Hands on Design. I’m stitching from stash on this one
and will share my floss conversions once I finish it. The fabric is 16 count white aida.
My progress so far. It looks wonky but I promise, it isn't.
Chalk Full: Bloom – a collaboration between
Hands on Design and Priscilla Blain.
Priscilla draws the designs in chalk and Cathy Haberman of HOD then
turns those drawings into cross stitch charts.
This series is offered as a club kit from
the Fat Quarter Shop. The kit includes
the chart, floss and fabric. Each design consists of a “jar” and a “small”
chart. We get a new release every other
month. Bloom is next to last in the
series so I will share previous finishes over the next few months as the
‘seasons’ change (so to speak). These
designs are stitched using hand dyed floss on 14 count black aida.
This is my start on the ‘small’
My recent haul…
Memorial Day (chart only)
Chalk Full: Bloom kit
Coral Beach and Robin's Egg Blue
Hand dyed fabric from fionascraftcottage
on Etsy. This fabric is amazing and it
was quick shipping.
This last piece of haul leads into the next
category of my cross stitch posts which will be…
Flosstube Favorites
Fiona is also a new stitchy friend. We’ve joined a virtual stitching group on
Zoom that meet up on Monday and Thursday evenings.

Photo provided by Fiona
This is Fiona and her ‘real life’ stitching
buddy, Marley.
Fiona and her family live in Washington
state. She homeschools her two daughters
and has even convinced her husband to cross stitch a piece. You can visit Fiona
on her YouTube channel Fiona’s Craft Cottage. She is also on Instagram at fionas.craft.cottage. She has some amazing finishes.
Photo provided by Fiona
More of Fiona’s beautiful fabric
That is my floss update this week. Have I convinced any of my quilty friends to
join me yet… down here in this rabbit hole?
Let me know if you have…I enjoy company 😊
Until next time, stay safe!