
Friday, January 27, 2017

2017 Sew-Alongs

Hello and Happy Friday, my friends.

In addition to the challenges One Monthly Goal and 17 UFOs in 2017, I am participating in two new sew-alongs this year.

The first is a Farm Girl Group hosted by Dawn at Sew You Quilt 2.  My blog friend Julierose encouraged me to join and I’m so happy she did.  The purpose is to finish the blocks from Lori Holt’s Farm Girl Vintage book.  This project is also on my 17 UFOs in 2017 list, so it is nice to have the ‘extra’ encouragement.

Dawn announces two blocks per month that the group will complete, if they haven’t already.  Participants can also make extra blocks if they wish.  I love the flexibility with this sew-along…no pressure, just fun.

January’s blocks were Milking Day and a Cow.  The Cow block is not part of the book and I don’t think - at least right now - that I want that one in my quilt so I skipped it.

Here is my Milking Day block.

I made this one when I started Lori’s sew-along in 2015.

I’ll be starting next month’s blocks soon which are Scrappy Strawberry and Patchwork Pumpkin.

The second sew-along I am participating in is a block of the month hosted by Sherri at A Quilting Life.  She posts a new block pattern on the 5th of each month.  I’ll be using a fat-eighth bundle of Autumn Woods by Kate & Birdie for Moda.

Here is my January block.

You can find Sherri’s instructions for this one by clicking here.

January is shaping up as a successful month for me.  You can read about my OMG accomplishment here.  I’ll be sharing my 17 UFOs in 2017 progress next week.

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.


Vicki in MN said...

Nice going for the first month of '17, keep up the good work! The autumn woods bundle will make a sweet quilt!

Julierose said...

Really nice Milking Day block--I just finished my strawberry--phew--those little pieces are tough..hugs, Julierose

barbara woods bewtjw@gmail.com said...

love your milk can, stands out more than mine does.

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

I am glad you are going to get back to work on your FGV. My top is done, but I need to finish piecing my packing for quilting when my mom returns in April. Sew alongs are a good way to get some things done and be inspired by others.

Gene Black said...

Both of you blocks look really good. I have seen several people working on the Farm Girl Vintage.

Kim said...

I love your milk can. Love Love the fabrics. That fabric bundle is gorgeous! I can't wait to see your blocks from them. I'm collecting the block patterns to hopefully make them all during the last month of the BOM sew along. Cross my fingers and hope it happens the way I plan. ;D

Aunt 'Reen said...

You are really laying out some awesome accomplishments this month!
I am so fond of that Farm Girl Vintage quilt - love your Milk Can block.
I also love your Autumn Woods fabric bundle and can't wait to see how that quilt turns out as well. Fun...fun!!

Karen said...

It is hard to keep track of all the sew alongs that have started or need to be finished up. Easy to get the bug and join in but hard to keep up with attempting too many.

Needled Mom said...

I love the milk jug. The different QALs are so much fun.

sewyouquilt2 said...

love your milkcan. cant wait to see everything as it progresses.

Kyle said...

That's great that you found time to stay caught up plus add a few more exciting projects into the list. How fun to use a brand new bundle of fabric for a brand new block of the month. Have fun!

Elaine said...

I love both of these! Looking forward to seeing your 17 in 2017 progress :)

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I love your milk can and am going to dig that book out when I get home and think about joining ya....as I saw these (the 12 by12 size blocks) into a quilt and loved it!!! I have plenty of 30's prints to use up too. Plus the blocks are sdorable but easy...and one a month! DOEABLE! thanks for sharing the rejuvination of this sew along!