
Monday, October 14, 2024

Sewing, Thrifting, Northern Lights and September Stats

Good Monday to you, Friends.

I hope you had a lovely weekend. We enjoyed some cool, sunny days. I did a bit of sewing which I want to share with you today.

First, I finished three more blocks for Lori Holt’s Scrappiness is Happiness quilt.

Quick Broken Dishes

Quick Dash


This is the second blossom block I’ve made for this quilt. It will replace the sewing machine block. Since this will likely end up on our bed, I didn’t think a sewing machine would necessarily fit.

There are only three blocks left to sew then I can start putting the top together.

Then, I pulled another cross-stitched piece from the “under the bed box” for fully finishing.

This Is Halloween by Primrose Cottage Stitches

Stitched on 28 count evenweave “We Aim to Please” by Fortnight Fabrics. I used the called for DMC threads. A Stitch-Along (SAL) was hosted by Corn Husker State Stitchers back in 2022. That is how long this one has been hanging around.

The stitched section measures around 8” x 8” and I thought it would make a nice 14” pillow.

The backing is envelope style so I can easily store the cover after Halloween and use the pillow form for something else.

Hubby and I went to our favorite local antique shop, and I found this cute egg crate.

I have plans for it, so stay tuned.

We also enjoyed a view of the Northern Lights over our house last Thursday. I took several photos, but I’ll just put one here. 

Apparently, they got better around 2:00 am on Friday morning, but sugars…I was long asleep at that time.

I stayed up pretty much all night Wednesday night because Hurricane Milton was roaring through Florida.  My son lives in Palm Harbor (Tampa area) and he evacuated to stay with my daughter in Orlando. They didn’t have any damage in Orlando, nor did they lose power. My son’s apartment in Palm Harbor was also spared, but they were without power for a short time. We all have so much to be grateful for!

Before I forget, I didn't do any sewing in September (insert sad face), and I only stitched 5,782 stitches on four different projects. Most of those Xs were to finish Olga's Autumn Stocking, which you can read about here.

My plans for this week are:

1)  Plan a stitch-along for a zoom group

2)  Finish the last three blocks for Scrappiness Is Happiness
3)  Cut sashing fabric for Scrappiness Is Happiness
4)  Finish stitching Give Thanks

Do you have plans for the week? If so, please share. I may be distracted inspired.

In the meantime, enjoy your week and I’ll see you next Monday!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Hurricane Helene, Fully Finishes and Cake

Happy Tuesday, Friends.

I’ll briefly give you an overview of our personal situation regarding Hurricane Helene and the impact on our community.

Western North Carolina experienced much more than was expected from the most recent hurricane. What you see on the national news is not an exaggeration. The devastation we see and hear about is unbelievable.

Local Park Bench

There are tennis courts and a walking path here...somewhere
We have firsthand experience with hurricanes from when we lived in south Florida. Even that did not prepare us for what we see today. Homes washed away, lives lost, entire towns wiped out. I can tell you this…I’ve also never seen a community pull together like this one.

One of many vehicles arriving Waynesville with donations

People from many other states have found their way to this area with donations of badly needed items.

My husband and I feel very fortunate that our only inconveniences were that we lost cable/internet, cell service and needed to reschedule our cruise to next year.

We have AT&T cell service, and they installed a temporary cell tower in our town. Then our internet was restored after 5 days. I’M NOT COMPLAINING!

My husband unloading donated items

We took the opportunity to join the efforts of a local church in accepting donations and distributing supplies to those who need them. I’ll spare you the many stories we’ve heard. Just know that our hearts are broken, but our faith in humanity is restored after this experience.

Since we have internet, I am back to work but my husband continues to help at the church. These small communities in western North Carolina are helping each other and will be just fine. It won’t be today, but it will happen.

This week we are focused on Hurricane Milton. Our son is in Palm Harbor, FL and our daughter is in Orlando. Praying for everyone in the path of this storm.

To keep busy, I decided to go through Halloween cross stitched pieces that needed to be fully finished.

I began with Halloween Alphabet. This was the piece I started at the retreat in Montgomery.

The chart is by Primrose Cottage. Stitched on 32 count vintage country mocha, using the called-for DMC floss. I found the frame at Michael's.

The following pieces were stitched in 2021 and placed in the proverbially “under-the-bed-box.” The fabric on all of them is 14-count black aida and I used the called-for over-dyed floss.

Catoween Cal

Catoween Wanda

Pumpkin Pile

I rewarded myself after finishing all those pieces with a new start.

Give Thanks by The Proper Stitcher

I’m stitching this on 40-count linen, Chocolate Milk by Fabrics by Stephanie.

Lastly, my husband continues to tag me in Facebook posts about banana cake. He literally begged for it over the weekend. So, I gave in and made one for the first time on Sunday.

It’s a moist cake topped with whipped cream cheese frosting. I couldn’t imagine it…bananas and cream cheese? But, oh my, it is so good.

You can find the recipe here if you are interested.

Today is food shopping day. We do not meal plan as usual because we will work with whatever is available in the grocery store. Still…I’M NOT COMPLAINING!

I hope things are well with you and I’ll be back soon to share some sewing progress.

Praying for mercy on Florida!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Stitching in the Wild Retreat 2024 - Recap

Hello, Friends!

I mentioned in my last post on September 6th that there would not be much stitching or sewing happening for me. My daughter came for a visit and only left the day before I traveled to Montgomery, AL for a cross-stitch retreat.


We walked around Lake Junaluska, took trips to see the sights, shopped in our little town and just had fun watching sports and putting together a puzzle.  The last couple of days of her visit was spent preparing for the retreat.


Stitching in the Wild Retreat is hosted by Gary and Ronny Hovatter. They have an online shop here and they opened a brick and mortar shop in Ozark, AL last April. Their 2023 retreat was held in Fort Lauderdale, FL. I attended that one as well and you can see that recap here.


On Wednesday the 18th I loaded the car and headed to ‘Bama. The last stop before reaching the retreat hotel was a stop in Auburn to get my Buc-cee’s banana pudding. 

A large, of course, to get me through the weekend.

That evening was spent putting together the attendee gifts I brought.

We checked into the retreat early Thursday morning. We were presented with a nice burlap bag filled with goodies.

The travel scissors unfold

Several designers provided exclusive FREE charts for attendees

Ronny made a 6" x 9" notions bag for everyone

We selected our seat after check-in. 

I was fortunate to sit at Table #2. Here is a photo of my tablemates with Gary. Gary is eating his favorite sour cream cookie that I made. I gave him one dozen and our table shared a dozen.

My tablemates were Stephanie (from Fabrics by Stephanie), Robbie, Dianne, Linda (Stitchy Linda on IG), Kristine and Maria.

Before settling in for business, a few of us enjoyed delicious BBQ at Dreamland. The food didn’t last long enough to get a photo.

Once settled, I started stitching Halloween Alphabet by Primrose Cottage. 

Here is the progress I made.

Notice the big project bag matches the small bag that was in our gift from GaRon. I received the larger bag when I was in the GaRon bag-of-the-month. It was a coincidence I selected that one for the retreat.

Our tablemates also exchanged gifts.

My gift to Table 2 was a jar of apple butter from our local orchard (no photo), Waynesville sticker, candy and a beeswax thread conditioner.

Gift from Linda and Dianne was a printed Pinkern Punkin’ chart, called for floss on Halloween floss drops and delicious Key Lime cookies.

Robbie had a Halloween theme for her gift which was socks, orange Sharpie marker, orange post it notes and pumpkin spice Werthers…what?!? Werthers and pumpkin spice are two of my favorites, and together??? So good.

Maria and Kristine gave us an adorable crocheted doily and ort bag, counting pin and scissor fob.

A friend who was not in attendance sent a gift for Ronny to pass along to me. A floss bling with my name on it. Jackie made the rings for everyone but personalized one for me.

Some attendees brought a little something for everyone, not just their tablemates. My gift was candy and beeswax floss conditioner.

I received several useful handmade gifts.

I won’t show you my embarrassingly large haul but there is one item I must show.

I mentioned Stephanie of Fabricsby Stephanie was one of my tablemates. She dyes the most beautiful fabric and was a vendor at the retreat. I already have several pieces of her linen and added three more to my stash.

36 count Bewitched, 40 count Chocolate Milk, 40 count Friendship Greene

I couldn’t resist getting a photo with Stephanie, Gary and Ronny on Saturday evening.

There were approximately 120 attendees. A great group of stitchers!

Sunday was the last day. As much fun as it was, it was also very nice to be home.

The eight hour drive home was easy. I quickly unloaded the car and unpacked. By Monday evening I had worked a full day, done all the laundry and organized everything I brought home.

Now I am in full cruise prep mode. We leave next Wednesday on a 10-day New England and Canada cruise.  I haven’t even made a packing list yet…geesh!

The next few days will be work, prepping for vacation and catching up on blog reading and flosstubes.

If you finished to the end…thank you 😊

Enjoy your day!

Friday, September 6, 2024

August Stats, Two Big Finishes and Sampler September

Hello Friends!

I hope you had a nice Labor Day weekend, and this short week has been good to you.

I completed 9,120 cross stitches on six different projects during August.

I had three finishes: Honey Bee Quilt, Sweet Friendships and Crows & Sunflowers. Clicking the name will take you back to the post where I shared those.

I made progress on one WIP during August: Olga’s Autumn Stocking

And I started two small projects that I will share later.

There was an event last Saturday that I participated in, and I’ve been preparing for it all summer.

Lake Junaluska’s Friends of the Lake 5K

Now, I know a 5K is not a big deal for most. It was for me. I ran one other 5K and that was eleven years ago.

This was the lake’s annual fundraiser to help maintain the beautiful property and various recreational activities.

I had a decent finish, fourth in my category, and look forward to the next race.

Another big finish recently is…

Olga’s Autumn Stocking by Plum Street Samplers

I used the designer’s called for threads but stitched it on 36 count linen, Winter Brew by R&R Reproductions. 

This was my selected stocking for the #RonnySockItToMeSAL hosted by Ronny Hovatter from GaRon Stitchery. I started on December 2, 2023, and finished September 4, 2024.

I had intended to just complete three hundred stitches per week, per the SAL. But I was stitching with a group of friends on Zoom last Sunday, and once I got to the chevron pumpkin, they encouraged me to power through and finish.

There are people that will fully finish cross stitch projects for you, but I think I will attempt to do this myself.

Next plans for the scroll rod are Ann Harper 1839.

There is a thing (?) called Sampler September in the cross-stich community. You select a sampler to start. Some may finish theirs…it won’t be me. First, she is a big girl. The stitch count is 297w x 413h and I’m attempting to stitch is on 40 count linen, Dust Bunny by Fox and Rabbit. Fox and Rabbit are also the designers of the chart.

Not much stitching or sewing will be happening in the next week because we are having company. My daughter, her boyfriend and our grand dog will be visiting from Florida. They hoped to arrive this Saturday, but Matthew received a jury summons. He will call Sunday evening to see if he has to report. Fingers crossed that he does not so they can get here on Monday.

Oh, and hubby and I celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary. We combined efforts for a delicious dessert.

I made Lemon Butter cake to accompany his homemade peach ice cream.

So, that was my August wrap-up and my immediate September plans. I also have a cross-stitch retreat in Montgomery, AL this month, which I am excited for!

Until next time…have a great weekend!